Chatting with Jasper Bark

Jasper Bark, award-winning and critically acclaimed British novelist and comic book writer, was my guest on Episode 67 of The Martin Lastrapes Show Podcast Hour. Jasper has authored several books, comics, and graphic novels, including Stuck On You and Other Prime Cuts.

Here are a few of the topics we covered:

  • Getting into trouble in school
  • Reading comic books
  • Telling stories with visual imagery 
  • "Stuck On You"
  • Being a journalist
  • Working with publishers

Here's what Kit Power of Ginger Nuts of Horror had to say about Stuck on You and Other Prime Cuts:

"Let’s get this out of the way upfront: Yes, these are dark tales. In them, gruesome and grotesque things frequently happen to people. Some will make you question the limits of human endurance. Some will make you question what you had for lunch, or kill your appetite stone dead. My experience of extreme horror writing is fairly limited, but if there’s stuff that’s hugely more extreme than these tales, I’m certainly not in any hurry to read them. However, there’s something which for me is far, far more important than the darkness of these tales: namely, they are very, very good. Throughout this collection, Mr. Bark demonstrates a considerable level of ability to write in different voices, to tell vastly different tales."