The Buffy Chronicles (S1- E5)
On Episode 72 of The Martin Lastrapes Show Podcast Hour, screenwriter and fellow Buffy enthusiast Liz Hersey joined me and Chanel for "The Buffy Chronicles" as we provided commentary for Episode 5 of Season 1, "Never Kill a Boy on the First Date."
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Here are a few of the topics we covered:
- Liz is Canadian
- The Buffy episode that hooked me as a fan
- Chanel and Liz want to f*ck Giles
- Why we had to record on our phones
- I love Cordelia (that foxy minx)
- Dawson's Creek
- The Great American Pitchfest
Liz writes prolifically about Buffy the Vampire Slayer on her blog The Liz Channel, so, of course, back in November of 2013 she'd written about the very episode we watched. Here's an excerpt:
"Like so many spunky romcom heroines before her, Buffy wants to find out if she can slay vampires AND have a love life. The answer? Not a chance in Hellmouth.
It's a busy day at the office for Buffy. She and Giles have discovered the Master's latest dastardly plot: to bring forth the Anointed One, a supervamp who will rise out of the ashes of five deaths and lead the Slayer straight to hell. Well, by hell they mean the Master's lair. And dude's been there a loooong time. When was the last time he brushed his teeth? Gives new meaning to the word Hellmouth."
You can read the rest of the article HERE. And, while you're there, read more of Liz's writing. You won't regret it.